Monday, November 23, 2020

Privileges, Priorities, and Universal Procedures

As ye enter our association of ascendancy .. as ye partake of our apostleship .. ye shall become cleansed and prepared for the Universal  Father .. and ye shall receive him only and forever in righteousness and reverence. 

Ye shall becometh arisen unto responsibility in this coming Age of Accountability, and ye shall be developing a character of respectful communion which shall overwhelm thee unto receptivity of relationship with Me.

Our association of ascendancy replenishes you unto faith conviction and this faith deliverance shall become as a pure unadulterated reliance and  trustworthiness as you establish the Kingdom of God the Supremacy within your personhood with the Paradise Life in you. 

Ye shall awaken to the recognition of our relationship in Eternity .. and ye shall mature unto adorational giving .. unconditional worshipful giving .. for the Infinity of Life desires your wholehearted willingness to achieve his Will of Perfection.

Ye shall believe and live just as I live and believe .. and as ye learn the divine art of thine deliverance unto Truth, Order, Harmony, and Wholeness .. so shall you be transformed into God's Wholeness of the Immaculate Conception. 

All that you dream of with the Father and I .. ye shall  attain as ye grasp Mine Everlasting Hand of Partnership .. as ye shall understand and gaineth thine compassionate heart in loving God who hath brought thee forth into a uniqueness of personhood expression. 

And ye shall discover his Life Ideal, and ever shall ye walk upright with Me .. even unto thine Second Birth of Universal Citizenship. 

These things which I speak to you of shall cometh true only as you prepare thyselves for your personal entrance into the greater Universal Society of our Universe Home of Nebadon.

I encourage all creatures of every Kingdom to arise, align, awaken, appreciate, acknowledge, and adore the Living One. 

Then, shall you earn your right and privilege to enter the more exalted socialization spheres of Nebadon wherein ye shall achieve access to the wider birth and the broader opportunities .. gaining thine entrance unto the worlds of ascendancy.

Michael of Nebadon

Saturday, November 7, 2020

La Fé de Salvington

La fe de los estudiantes en Salvington os permite aprender a visualizar todos los valores espirituales que se encuentran en el reino de la consciencia y de la comunión con Dios; estáis aprendiendo a elevar vuestras prioridades y valores para que os deis cuenta de los efectos beneficiosos de "Buscar primero el reino de los cielos".

En Salvington, los estudiantes os dáis cuenta y experimentáis un crecimiento en el avance del Ideal Fraterno del reino de los cielos, un logro y cumplimiento de la "voluntad de Dios". El corazón mismo de la oración, "Venga tu reino; hágase tu voluntad ”. Habiendo concebido así el reino como parte de la voluntad de Dios, estáis aprendiendo en Salvington a dedicaros a la causa de su realización con un asombroso olvido de vosotros mismos y un entusiasmo ilimitado. Pero en toda esta intensa transformación, propósito y misión personal, y a lo largo de vuestra extraordinaria vida, nunca aparecerá la furia de los fanáticos ni la frialdad superficial del egotista religioso.

Los estudiantes de Salvington os convertís en la maestría que buscáis. Vuestras vidas reflejan una consistencia condicionada por esta fe viva, esta sublime experiencia religiosa. Esta actitud espiritual viene a dominar por completo vuestro pensamiento y sentimiento, mientras estáis creyendo y orando, vuestro servicio y vuestra participación, ofrecen una realización suprema en la cultura cooperativa de la University Of  Salvington. Y aquellos individuos que os entregáis al camino de la Fraternidad Académica descubrís que vuestra enseñanza y predicación provienen de un lugar real y verdadero de humildad y honor. Una humildad en relación con el Infinito de Dios se desarrolla en proporciones bien equilibradas de amor, sabiduría y poder con el Espíritu del Padre que vive en cada uno.

Esta fe personal de un hijo y una hija en la certeza y seguridad de la guía y protección de la celestial Paternidad de Dios os dará a vuestra vida única y singular, una profunda dotación de realidad espiritual. Y, sin embargo, a pesar de esta profunda consciencia de una estrecha relación con la divinidad, exaltaréis el ideal de Dios mientras os preparáis para vivir de su naturaleza y atributos dentro de esta realización del ideal de fraternidad.

Salvington enseña al individuo a expandir su fe y confianza en Dios, de modo que cuando nos enfrentemos a un esplendoroso olvido, comencemos a comprender cómo el Padre Universal encontrará tan plenamente la posibilidad de manifestarse ante vosotros y revelarse a través de vosotros. A las personalidades individuales de vuestra vida personal y del mundo.

Salvington os muestra, como hombres o mujeres del reino, la mejor de todas las ofrendas: la consagración y dedicación de vuestra propia voluntad al servicio majestuoso de hacer la voluntad divina. Vosotros os volveréis  fortalecidos en la siempre y consistente interpretación de la religión, en términos de la voluntad del Padre.

Cuando estudiáis en la oración de Salvington o cualquier otra característica de la vida religiosa, la forma en que vivís es considerada en una mayor estima; no tanto lo que vosotros sabéis y comprendéis internamente, sino vuestra disposición a poner en la expresión humana, el ideal es el objetivo de alcanzar. No buscamos tanto lo que habéis aprendido como lo que hacéis con lo que habéis aprendido.

Salvington instruye a los estudiantes a nunca orar como una obligación ni como un deber únicamente religioso.

En cambio, el ideal de Salvington os permite desarrollar una fe genuina y una confianza espontánea. La oración es una expresión sincera de la actitud espiritual, una declaración de la lealtad del alma, un recital de devoción personal, una expresión de acción de gracias, una evitación de la tensión emocional, una prevención del conflicto, una exaltación de la intelección, un ennoblecimiento del deseo, una vindicación de la decisión moral, el enriquecimiento del pensamiento, el fortalecimiento de las inclinaciones superiores, la consagración del impulso, la clarificación del punto de vista, la declaración de fe, la entrega trascendental de la voluntad, la afirmación sublime de la confianza, la revelación del coraje, la proclamación del descubrimiento, una confesión de la devoción suprema, la validación de la consagración, una técnica para el ajuste de las dificultades y la poderosa movilización de los poderes del alma combinados para resistir todas las tendencias humanas hacia el egoísmo, el mal y el pecado. Vosotros vendréis a vivir una vida de Intimidad de Oración Plena de consagración a la voluntad de nuestro Padre, y vuestra vida se expandirá y se expresará ella misma, triunfalmente con justo tal oración.

El secreto de esta vida religiosa sin paralelo es esta consciencia de la presencia de Dios; y vosotros lo lograréis mediante la oración inteligente y la adoración sincera —  la comunión ininterrumpida con Dios —  y no mediante indicaciones, voces, visiones o prácticas religiosas extraordinarias.

En vuestra vida terrenal, la religión se convierte en una experiencia viviente, un movimiento directo y personal desde la reverencia espiritual a la práctica de la rectitud. La fe de los estudiantes de Salvington da los frutos trascendentes del espíritu divino. Su fe no es inmadura y crédula como la de un niño, pero en muchos aspectos se asemejará a la confiada confianza de la mente del niño. Confiaréis en Dios tanto como el niño confía en un padre.

Los estudiantes que se entregan a nuestras ideas e ideales, y vienen a practicar diariamente sus preceptos, tienen una profunda confianza en el universo — tal confianza que tiene el niño en su entorno paterno. Vuestra sincera fe en la bondad fundamental del universo se parecerá mucho a la confianza del niño en la seguridad de su entorno terrenal. Vosotros dependeréis de la paternidad celestial de Dios como cuando un niño se apoya en su padre terrenal, y esta ferviente fe transfigurará cualquier duda en la certeza de la excesiva atención del Padre celestial. Los estudiantes de Salvington no suelen ser perturbados seriamente por los temores, las dudas y el escepticismo. La incredulidad no inhibirá la expresión libre y original de vuestra vida.

 Vosotros combinaréis la lealtad y el alborozo inteligente de un adulto plenamente crecido con el sincero y confiado optimismo de un niño creyente. Vuestra fe crecerá a tales alturas de confianza que estará absolutamente desprovista de miedo.

La fe de nuestros estudiantes eventualmente y con el tiempo alcanza la pureza de la confianza de un niño. Vuestra fe se vuelve tan absoluta e indudable que vosotros sentiréis el entusiasmo y la emoción de responder con alegría al encanto del contacto de los demás seres humanos y a las maravillas del universo. Vuestro sentido de dependencia de lo divino se volverá maduro y madurará a tales alturas, éste crecerá de manera tan amplia y profunda; a un estado de experiencia tan completo y tan confiado que os brindará la alegría y la garantía de una seguridad, de una estabilidad y de una salvaguarda, personales absolutas. No habrá ninguna pretensión vacilante en vuestra experiencia religiosa.

En este desarrollo evolutivo de la intimidad religiosa personal, la fe del niño reina suprema en todos los asuntos relacionados con la consciencia religiosa. No es extraño que lleguéis a comprender la afirmación que se ha dicho una vez: "A menos que os conviertas en un niño pequeño, no entraréis al reino". A pesar de que la realización de la confianza en vuestra fe personal será como la de un niño, en ningún sentido se volverá pueril...

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Experiencia Salvington

Amado Buscador de la Verdad Eterna en el Dios Uno,

Michael Of Nebadon ha abierto su Escuela Planetaria y  Campus para los buscadores, aspirantes, discípulos y apóstoles en todo el mundo que deseáis, de manera desmesurada, ingresar al Reino más grandioso y ascendente del Manantial de la Fuente Una. Para calificar como candidato para la iniciación viva de la Ciudadanía Cósmica como Personalización Inmortal y Ascendente del Dios de la Supremacía.


Nuestro sitio web os muestra las formas en que podéis comenzar vuestras exploraciones ... estudiando con Christ Michael ... y avanzando en vuestra carrera por el universo hacia la estabilización y la seguridad de las Influencias Divinas del Reino de Luz y Vida del Padre.

Todos los primeros contactos iniciales con nosotros podéis dirigir a Gabriela Giordano en la Oficina de Admisiones, Primer Contacto y Alianza Planetaria - 

Estaremos encantados de enviaros nuestro folleto “Bienvenido a Salvington y acerca de la University Of Salvington y sus Siete Colleges Sagrados y Retiros”.

Mientras tanto, podéis acceder a todas las predicaciones públicas del Padre Hijo del Universo uniéndoos al Public Planetary Campus (Campus Planetario Público).

Los estudiantes que entran a Salvington disfrutan de una fe sublime y sincera en Dios. El individuo todavía puede experimentar los altibajos ordinarios de la existencia mortal, pero cada uno se fortalece en su resolución de perseverar; y cada uno aprende a nunca dudar religiosamente de la certeza de la vigilancia y la guía de Dios.

La fe es el resultado de la perspicacia nacida de la actividad de la presencia divina, la Vida de Dios que vive en medio de vosotros. Esta fe no es tradicional ni meramente intelectual; ésta es totalmente personal y puramente espiritual.

Aprended a ver a Dios como santo, justo y grande, además como un ser verdadero, hermoso y bueno. Con todos estos atributos de la divinidad vosotros aprendéis a enfocaros en vuestra mente como la "voluntad del Padre en el cielo".

Nuestro Dios es al mismo tiempo "El Santo de Israel" y "El Padre viviente y amoroso en el cielo". El concepto de Dios como Padre no es original, pero en Salvington exaltamos y elevamos la idea hacia una experiencia sublime, al lograr una nueva revelación de Dios y al proclamar que toda criatura mortal es un hijo de este Padre de amor, un hijo de Dios.

En Salvington, vosotros no os aferraréis a la fe en Dios como lo haría un alma luchadora en guerra con el universo y la muerte con un mundo hostil y pecaminoso; no sólo recurrirás a la fe simplemente como un consuelo en medio de las dificultades o como un consuelo en la desesperación amenazada;

Nuestra fe en Salvington no es solo una compensación ilusoria por las realidades desagradables y las penas de la vida.

Frente a todas las dificultades naturales y las contradicciones temporales de la existencia mortal, experimentaréis la tranquilidad de la confianza suprema e incuestionable en Dios y sentiréis la tremenda emoción de vivir, por fe, en la presencia misma de la paternidad celestial de Dios... 

Y esta fe triunfante es una experiencia viva de logro espiritual real. Su gran contribución a los valores de la experiencia humana no es que revelará tantas nuevas ideas sobre la Paternidad de Dios en el cielo, sino que demostrará de manera tan magnífica y humana un tipo nuevo y superior de fe viva en Dios.

Dios se convertirá en una realidad viva en vuestra experiencia humana. En vuestra vida, descubriréis un nuevo y superior tipo de religión, basada en la intimidad espiritual personal y las relaciones divinas con la Paternidad Universal, y estas revelaciones personales serán validadas por la autoridad suprema de la experiencia personal genuina. Esta fe viva de Salvington es más que una reflexión intelectual, y no es una meditación mística.

La teología puede arreglar, formular, definir y dogmatizar la fe, pero en vuestra vida humana, la fe debe ser personal, viva, original, espontánea y puramente espiritual. Esta fe no es una reverencia hacia la tradición ni una mera creencia intelectual que sostenéis como un credo sagrado, sino más bien una sublime intimidad y experiencia directa y una profunda convicción que os sostiene con seguridad. Vuestra fe en desarrollo será real y lo abarcará todo. Eliminará absolutamente cualquier duda espiritual y efectivamente destruirá cada deseo conflictivo.

Nada podrá arrancaros del anclaje espiritual de esta fe ferviente, sublime e implacable. Incluso ante la aparente derrota o en medio de la decepción y la amenaza de la desesperación, aprenderéis a permanecer calmados ante la presencia divina, libres de temor y totalmente conscientes de la invencibilidad espiritual.

En Salvington, disfrutaréis de la vigorizante seguridad de la posesión de una fe inquebrantable, y en cada una de las situaciones difíciles de la vida podréis exhibir una fidelidad inquebrantable a la voluntad del Padre. Y que esta soberbia fe esté impávida incluso ante la cruel y aplastante amenaza de cualquier desafío ignominioso.

En un genio religioso, la fe espiritual fuerte muchas veces lleva directamente al fanatismo desastroso, a la exageración del ego religioso, pero no será así con vosotros. No se verá afectado de manera desfavorable en vuestra vida práctica por esta extraordinaria fe y logro espiritual, ya que esta exaltación espiritual se convertirá para vosotros en un subconsciente totalmente natural y en la expresión espontánea del alma de vuestra relación íntima personal y de vuestra exaltada experiencia con Dios.

En Salvington, la indomable fe espiritual que todo lo consume de vuestra alma en desarrollo nunca se volverá fanática, ya que nunca intentará huir con vuestros juicios intelectuales bien equilibrados con respecto a los valores proporcionales de lo común y lo social, lo económico y las situaciones de la vida moral.

Vosotros estaréis madurando, integrando y desarrollando una personalidad humana espléndidamente unificada; estaréis evolucionando y creciendo en vuestro avance evolutivo hacia un ser divino perfectamente dotado; estáis destinados a convertiros en un ser humano y divino combinado, magníficamente coordinado, que funciona en la tierra como una personalidad única y unida al espíritu vivo de Dios en vosotros.

En Salvington, estáis aprendiendo a coordinar la fe del alma con las valoraciones de sabiduría de vuestra experiencia avezada, como una personalidad humana en crecimiento y en evolución. La fe personal, la esperanza espiritual y la devoción moral os harán crecer en esta totalidad; una unidad religiosa maravillosamente correlacionada e inigualable de asociación armoniosa con la realización aguda de la realidad y lo sagrado de todas las lealtades humanas   —   honor personal, amor familiar, obligación religiosa, deber social y necesidad económica.

Salvington University Trustees

The Faith of Salvington

The faith of students at Salvington learn to visual all spirit values as being found in the kingdom of God consciousness and fellowship; You are learning to raise your priorities and values so that you come to realize the beneficial effects of “Seeking first the kingdom of heaven.”

At Salvington, students realize and experience growth in the advanced and ideal fellowship of the kingdom of Heaven, an achievement and fulfillment of the “will of God.” The very heart of the prayer, “Your kingdom come; your will be done.” Having thus conceived of the kingdom as comprising the will of God, you are learning at Salvington to devote yourself to the cause of its realization with amazing self-forgetfulness and unbounded enthusiasm. But in all this intense transformation, purpose, and personal mission and throughout your extraordinary life there never will appear the fury of the fanatic nor the superficial frothiness of the religious egotist.

Salvington students become the mastery they are seeking. Their lives reflect a consistency conditioned by this living faith, this sublime religious experience. This spiritual attitude comes to wholly dominate your thinking and feeling, while you’re believing and praying, your serving and sharing, offer a supreme fulfillment in the cooperative culture of University Of Salvington. And those individuals who give themselves to the pathway of Academic Fellowship discover that their teaching and preaching comes from a real and true place of humility and honor. A humbleness in relationship with the Infinity of God unfolds in well-balanced proportions of love, wisdom, and empowerment with the Spirit of the Father living in you.

This personal faith of a son and daughter in the certainty and security of the guidance and protection of the heavenly Parenthood of God will impart to your unique life a profound endowment of spiritual reality. And yet, despite this very deep consciousness of close relationship with divinity, you will exalt the ideal of God while coming to prepare yourself in the living of his nature and attributes within this ideal fellowship realization.

Salvington teaches the individual to expand their faith and trust in God, so that when we stand confronted by such splendid self-forgetfulness, we begin to understand how the Universal Father will find it possible so fully to manifest himself to you and reveal himself through you to the individual personalities in your personal life and world.

Salvington shows you, as a man or woman of the realm, the greatest of all offerings: the consecration and dedication of your own will to the majestic service of doing the divine will. You will become strengthened in always and consistently interpreting religion wholly in terms of the Father’s will.

When you study at Salvington prayer or any other feature of the religious life, how you live is held in much greater esteem; not so much what you inwardly know and understand but your willingness to place into human expression the ideal is the goal of attainment. We look not so much for what you have learned as for what you do with what you've learned.

Salvington instructs students to never pray as obligation nor as solely a religious duty.

Instead, the ideal of Salvington permits you to develop a genuine faith and a spontaneous trust. Prayer is a sincere expression of spiritual attitude, a declaration of soul loyalty, a recital of personal devotion, an expression of thanksgiving, an avoidance of emotional tension, a prevention of conflict, an exaltation of intellection, an ennoblement of desire, a vindication of moral decision, an enrichment of thought, an invigoration of higher inclinations, a consecration of impulse, a clarification of viewpoint, a declaration of faith, a transcendental surrender of will, a sublime assertion of confidence, a revelation of courage, the proclamation of discovery, a confession of supreme devotion, the validation of consecration, a technique for the adjustment of difficulties, and the mighty mobilization of the combined soul powers to withstand all human tendencies toward selfishness, evil, and sin. You will come to live just such a life of prayerful consecration to the doing of our Father’s will, and your life will expand and express itself triumphantly with just such a prayer.

The secret of this unparalleled religious life is this consciousness of the presence of God; and you will attain it by intelligent prayer and sincere worship — unbroken communion with God — and not by leadings, voices, visions, or extraordinary religious practices.

In your earthly life, religion becomes a living experience, a direct and personal movement from spiritual reverence to practical righteousness. The faith of students of Salvington bear the transcendent fruits of the divine spirit. Their faith is not immature and credulous like that of a child, but in many ways it will resemble the unsuspecting trust of the child mind. You will trust in God much as the child trusts a parent.

Students who give themselves to our ideas and ideal, and come to practice daily its precepts have a profound confidence in the universe — just such a trust as the child has in its parental environment. Your wholehearted faith in the fundamental goodness of the universe will very much resemble the child’s trust in the security of its earthly surroundings. You will depend on the heavenly Parenthood of God as a child leans upon its earthly parent, and this fervent faith will transfigure any doubts in the certainty of the heavenly Father’s overcare. Students of Salvington are usually not disturbed seriously by fears, doubts, and skepticism. Unbelief will not inhibit the free and original expression of your life.

You will be combining the stalwart and intelligent courage of a full-grown adult with the sincere and trusting optimism of a believing child. Your faith will grow to such heights of trust that it will be absolutely devoid of fear.

The faith of our students eventually and over time attain the purity of a child’s trust. Your faith becomes so absolute and undoubting that you will feel the thrill and exhilaration of responding joyfully to the charm of the contact of fellow beings and to the wonders of the universe. Your sense of dependence on the divine will become matured and ripened to such heights, it will grow so wide and deep; to such complete and so confident a state of experience that it will yield to you the joy and the assurance of absolute personal security, stability, and safety. There will be no hesitating pretense in your religious experience.

In this evolving developing attainment of personal religious intimacy, the faith of the child reigns supreme in all matters relating to the religious consciousness. It is not strange that you will come to understand the statement once said, “Except you become as a little child, you shall not enter the kingdom.” Notwithstanding that your personal faith trust realization will be childlike, it will in no sense become childish.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Experience Salvington

Beloved Seeker of Eternal Truth in the One God,

Michael Of Nebadon restores  the School of the Planetary Civilization and its Campus for seekers, aspirants, disciples, and apostles throughout the world who desire inordinately to enter into the greater and ascendant Kingdom of the One Fountainhead Source. 

To qualify as a candidate for the living initiation of Cosmic Citizenship as an Immortal and Ascendant Personalization of God the Supremacy.


Our website shows you the ways that you can begin your explorations .. studying with Christ Michael .. and advancing your universe career into the stabilizing and securitizing Divine Influences of the Father’s Kingdom of Light and Life.

All initial first contact with us can be addressed to the City of Christ Michael, Office of First Contact and Planetary Alliance - We will be happy to send to you our Welcome to Salvington booklet.

Meanwhile, you can access all of the public preachings of the Universe Father Son by joining the public Planetary Campus. 

Students who enter into Salvington enjoy a sublime and wholehearted faith in God. The individual may still experience the ordinary ups and downs of mortal existence, but each one is strengthened in their resolve to persevere; and each learns to never religiously doubt the certainty of God’s watchcare and guidance.

Faith is the outgrowth of the insight born of the activity of the divine presence, the Life of God who lives in your midst. This faith is neither traditional nor merely intellectual; it is wholly personal and purely spiritual.

Learn to see God as being holy, just, and great, as well as being true, beautiful, and good. All these attributes of divinity you learn to focus in your mind as the “will of the Father in heaven.”

Our God is at one and the same time “The Holy One of Israel” and “The living and loving Father in heaven.” The concept of God as a Father is not original, but at Salvington we exalt and elevate the idea into a sublime experience by achieving a new revelation of God and by proclaiming that every mortal creature is a child of this Father of love, a son of God.

At Salvington, you will not cling to faith in God as would a struggling soul at war with the universe and at death grips with a hostile and sinful world; you won’t just resort to faith merely as a consolation in the midst of difficulties or as a comfort in threatened despair;

Our faith at Salvington is not just an illusory compensation for the unpleasant realities and the sorrows of living.

In the very face of all the natural difficulties and the temporal contradictions of mortal existence, you will experience the tranquillity of supreme and unquestioned trust in God and feel the tremendous thrill of living, by faith, in the very presence of the heavenly Parenthood of God.

And this triumphant faith is a living experience of actual spirit attainment. Your great contribution to the values of human experience is not that you will reveal so many new ideas about the Parenthood of God in heaven, but rather that you will so magnificently and humanly demonstrate a new and higher type of living faith in God.

God will become a living reality in your human experience. In your life you will be discovering a new and higher type of religion, religion based on personal spiritual intimacy and divine relations with the Universal Parenthood and these personal revelations will become wholly validated by the supreme authority of genuine personal experience. This living faith of Salvington is more than an intellectual reflection, and it is not a mystic meditation.

Theology may fix, formulate, define, and dogmatize faith, but in your human life, faith is meant to become personal, living, original, spontaneous, and purely spiritual. This faith is not reverence for tradition nor a mere intellectual belief which you hold as a sacred creed, but rather a sublime intimacy and direct experience and a profound conviction which securely holds you. Your developing faith will be real and all-encompassing. It will absolutely sweep away any spiritual doubts and effectively destroy every conflicting desire.

Nothing will be able to tear you away from the spiritual anchorage of this fervent, sublime, and undaunted faith. Even in the face of apparent defeat or in the throes of disappointment and threatening despair, you will learn how to be calmly standing in the divine presence free from fear and fully conscious of spiritual invincibility.

At Salvington, you will enjoy the invigorating assurance of the possession of unflinching faith, and in each of life’s trying situations you will be able to unfailingly exhibit an unquestioning loyalty to the Father’s will. And this superb faith is undaunted even by the cruel and crushing threat of any ignominious challenges.

In a religious genius, strong spiritual faith so many times leads directly to disastrous fanaticism, to exaggeration of the religious ego, but it will not be so with you. You will not be unfavorably affected in your practical life by this extraordinary faith and spirit attainment because this spiritual exaltation is to become for you a wholly natural subconscious and spontaneous soul expression of your personal intimate relationship and exalted experience with God.

At Salvington, the all-consuming and indomitable spiritual faith of your developing soul will never become fanatical, for it won’t ever attempt to run away with your well-balanced intellectual judgments concerning the proportional values of practical and commonplace social, economic, and moral life situations.

You will be maturing, integrating, and developing a splendidly unified human personality; you will be evolving and growing in your evolutionary advancement towards a perfectly endowed divine being; you are destined to become a magnificently co-ordinated combined human and divine being functioning on earth as a single personality and at one with the living spirit of God in you.

At Salvington, you are learning to coordinate the faith of the soul with the wisdom-appraisals of your seasoned experience as a growing and evolving human personality. Personal faith, spiritual hope, and moral devotion will grow you into this wholeness; a sublimely correlated and matchless religious unity of harmonious association with the keen realization of the reality and sacredness of all human loyalties — personal honor, family love, religious obligation, social duty, and economic necessity.

Salvington University Provost

Triune Planetary Campus

The Triune Virtual Campus at Salvington offers each receptively sincere seeker three options to enhance their Oversoul Personhood, to ennoble their character, to enliven their faith and trust in the Immaculate Goodness of God, to grow into more of their morontial soul, and to eternalize their personal existence into Immortality and Cosmic Citizenship in our Universe of Nebadon.

Salvington fosters an open collegial culture and both a free learning environment in the City of Michael and his Holy Comforter World Retreat, and also a tuition-based educational discipleship with the Universe Sovereign Michael of Nebadon at the Global Village Planetary Retreat of Michael of Nebadon, as well as, the University of Salvington, a more intensified World Fellowship with our Universe Sovereign and the Universe Mother Spirit.

1. City Of Michael & its Holy Comforter World Retreat

2. Global Village Planetary Retreat Of Michael Of Nebadon

3. University of Salvington

Salvington offers a supportive, safe and loving educational campus.

Our Private Worldwide Spiritual Campus and its lectures, conferences, conclaves, communities, and spirited retreats are accessible online from your home.

The Global Village Planetary Retreat and the University of Salvington offer a monthly tuition-based Urantia Core Educational Studies and a Collegiate Curriculum which is Affordable for all Students who sincerely desire to become a direct apostle of Michael Of Nebadon who comes to give luminous clarity to his Gospel teachings of the 1st Century, and now his 21st Century Bestowal Mission Gospel Revelations for Individual growth and the advancing soul receptivity of humanity.

The Global Village Planetary Retreat and the University of Salvington maintain Core Educational Studies which continue throughout the year.

Our Virtual Campus is private, secure, illuminating, and highly educational. A safe community to share yourself and begin learning with Michael of Nebadon.

A Collegial Culture which is non-competitive, considerate, quietly joyful, and enlightening for all. A Gentle and Safe atmosphere to create friendships and to cultivate fellowship amongst a similar supportive set of values and vision.

Our Educational Curriculum reveals the true teaching gospel of the Master Jesus Michael who returns again revealing his Universe Name and Station, bringing a newly inspiring gospel revelation as promised for humanity.

Online Lectures each month with the Universe Sovereign Michael bring blessing and healing and prosperity of the heart and mind and body.

Accessible areas to speak directly and have a loving dialogue with the Sovereign Universe Father Son Michael.

Privately focused Group Communities, Chat areas, Social areas, Classrooms, and Societies to help you discover yourself in your Individualized Godhood as a student disciple of Christ Michael.

The Global Village Planetary Retreat of Michael Of Nebadon and its Virtual Campus holds a Year-Round Educational Course Curriculum...

TKOH 100
The Kingdom of Heaven as God the Supremacy

KOT 101
The Knowledge of Things

ROM 102
The Realization of Meanings

AOV 103
The Appreciation of Values

TROM 200
The Religion of Michael

NOW 201
The Nobility of Work as Duty to the Supreme God

MOG 202
The Motivation of Goals in Developing Morality

LOS 203
The Love of Service in Growing Character

AHP 204
The Achievement of Higher Purpose in Advancing the Soul

WMON 300
Who is Michael of Nebadon?

CIS 301
Cosmic Insight in Building Spiritual Discernment

ERM 302
Eternity Relationship with Michael

HCT 303
Michael's Holy Comforter Spirit of Truth

UVM 304
The Universe Vine of Michael

Suggested Readings:
Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael of Nebadon 
The Holy Faith Powers of Michael of Nebadon
Personal Contact with Christ Michael
Who is Michael Of Nebadon?
The Revelatory Papers of Urantia

University Of Salvington 
Twelve Wisdom Colleges, Heavenly Host Ray Retreats, Illumination College Halls, & the Schools of the Planetary Civilization 

Worldwide Fellowship and Spirit Of Truth Holy Comforter Association with the Universe Father Son Michael and the Universe Creative Mother Spirit Nebadonia with the Planetary Administration of the Heavenly Host 

The Twelve Wisdom Colleges are dedicated to the Illumination and Ascendancy of Humanity and the Kingdoms of Urantia 

Salvington College 
Trinity Retreat of the First Ray  
College Hall of Illumination of the Preparations for Apostleship

Ascendancia College  
Trinity Retreat of the Second Ray 
College Hall Of Free Will Decision and Determination Desire 

Eternalis College 
Trinity Retreat of the Third Ray 
College Hall Of God Intelligence and Divine Perception 

Supremacia College 
Trinity Retreat of the Fourth Ray 
College Hall Of Unconditional Love and Immaculate Receptivity  

Infinitas College 
Trinity Retreat of the Fifth Ray 
College Hall Of Purity and Progressive Ascension  

Universalis College 
Trinity Retreat of the Sixth Ray 
College Hall Of Healing Emanation and Power 

Resurrectionem College 
Trinity Retreat of the Seventh Ray 
College Hall Of Service and Resurrection Christhood 

Salutem College 
Trinity Retreat of the Eighth Ray 
College Hall Of Merciful Forgiveness and Celebration 

Absoluta College 
Trinity Retreat of the Ninth Ray 
College Hall Of Yoga Wholeness and Immortality 

Trinity College 
White Lily Retreat of the Tenth Ray 
College Hall Of Consecration and Emancipation Surrender 

Illuminatum College 
Trinity Retreat of the Eleventh Ray 
At the Global Village Planetary Retreat of Michael of Nebadon 
College Hall Of the Islands of Illumination Of the World Server 

Liberi College 
Children's Garden of the Divine Minister and Heavenly Host 
College Hall of the Angelic Kingdom 

University of Salvington 
Trinity Retreat of the Twelfth Ray 
University Hall of the Orders of the Universe Administration 
School of the Planetary Prince Trustees of Salvington

Sponsored by the Michael of Nebadon Revelatory Trust

Office Of Admissions
Diana Katerine Durango Romero 
Head of Admissions for the City, Global Village, and University

Salvington University

University Of Salvington

Twelve Wisdom Colleges, Heavenly Host Ray Retreats, Illumination College Halls, & the Schools of the Planetary Civilization

Worldwide Fellowship and Spirit Of Truth Holy Comforter Association with the Universe Father Son Michael and the Universe Creative Mother Spirit Nebadonia with the Planetary Administration of the Heavenly Host

The Twelve Wisdom Colleges are dedicated to the  Illumination and Ascendancy  of Humanity and the Kingdoms of Urantia

Salvington College
Trinity Retreat of the First Ray
College Hall of Illumination of the Preparations for Apostleship 

Ascendancia College 
Trinity Retreat of the Second Ray
College Hall Of Free Will Decision and Determination Desire

Eternalis College 
Trinity Retreat of the Third Ray
College Hall Of God Intelligence and Divine Perception 

Supremacia College  
Trinity Retreat of the Fourth Ray
College Hall Of Unconditional Love and Immaculate Receptivity

Infinitas College 
Trinity Retreat of the Fifth Ray
College Hall Of Purity and Progressive Ascension

Universalis College 
Trinity Retreat of the Sixth Ray
College Hall Of Healing Emanation and Power

Resurrectionem College 
Trinity Retreat of the Seventh Ray
College Hall Of Service and Resurrection Christhood

Salutem College 
Trinity Retreat of the Eighth Ray 
College Hall Of Merciful Forgiveness and Celebration

Absoluta College 
Trinity Retreat of the Ninth Ray
College Hall Of Yoga Wholeness and Immortality
Trinity College 
White Lily Retreat of the Tenth Ray
College Hall Of Consecration and Emancipation Surrender

Illuminatum College of the Eleventh Ray 
Trinity Retreat of the Global Village Planetary Retreat of Michael of Nebadon 
College Hall Of the Islands of Illumination Of the World Server

Liberi College 
Children's Garden of the Divine Minister and Heavenly Host
College Hall of the Angelic Kingdom 

University of Salvington 
Trinity Retreat of the Twelfth Ray
Hall of the Orders of the  Universe Administration 
School of the Planetary Prince

Trustees of Salvington

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Sovrnty Foundation


Sovrnty Foundation

At the University of Salvington 


spiritus invictus

Salvington School of the Planetary Prince

lux infiniti

absolutum charitas ab origine

vitae aeterna

First Contact with Michael Of Nebadon 

City Of Michael
Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette
Salvington Arts and Cultural Society: Writings, Podcasts, Video

Planetary Holy Comforter

At Home Communion with the Spirit Of Truth 

Global Village of the World Server

Michael Of Nebadon Revelatory Trust 

Michael of Nebadon Revelatory Press

Revelatory Commission and Teaching Mission

Celestial Revelators and Correcting Time

Contact Commission 

Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives 

Michael Of Nebadon Revelatory Apostolic Corps

University Of Salvington 

Salvington University 

Wisdom Colleges of Revelation, Illumination, and Ascendancy 

Salvington University Lecture Series

Global Village of the Spirit of Truth on Campus

Sovrnty Foundation

University of Salvington Development Office

Salvington University Development Trust

Salvington Cascadia Campaign

Salvington Investments Office & Endowment Fund

Salvington Land Management & Campus Operations 

Salvington Gift Shop

Sovrnty is an educational new faith driven society, an institute of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter, an arts and humanities fellowship, and an internal think tank in the University Of Salvington which fosters deep and revelatory understandings pertaining to the progressive individual ascendancy of the personality soul, the evolutionary attainment of humankind, and the advancement of the planetary civilization of the human race and all kingdoms of Life. 

Sovrnty is a religious nonprofit organization based in Oregon. As an internal think tank at the University of Salvington, it nurtures a multi-faceted plan of global Initiatives in its planetary mission to cultivate sovereignty and supremacy:

progressing epochs of planetary progress towards the culminating  inauguration of the era of light and life

all phases of intellectual progress, soul emergence, and spiritual attainment

the progress of civilization and world affairs

the unfoldment of the individual mortal evolution and soul-spirit attainment

planetary development along physical, intellectual, and social lines, all evolutionary spheres progress in certain well-defined directions

the planetary schools of training and culture are a world center of culture and achievement, and there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races

establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools

plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement to uphold the planetary concepts of truth and righteousness

knowledge of the Father’s rule and preserving for the world races the concept of the successive planetary dispensations of the various orders of divine Sons

design to foster the development of planetary civilization

fostering the development of the planetary civilization and its global spiritual culture

designing the way of planetary progress towards the ascendancy of light and life

nurturing the planetary impulse and guiding the cultural advancement for the ages

preparing the individual personality mind, will, and soul for cosmic consciousness, spiritual insight, divine perception, and the attainment integration of universal citizenship

promoting the spiritual evolutionary attainment of every people in the planetary human culture, arts, and
world civilization

to induce the world culture and planetary civilization to make certain initial advances in culture and civilization first

training and inspiring student world servers as teachers and leaders of their respective people

Sovereign Strategies for Living

Sovereignty and Significance. 

Radical and Transformative Strategies that empower individuals to unleash their creativity—to pursue their dreams.

Finding a life of Meaningful Contribution, Soul Purpose, Divine Direction, Personal Significance, and Individual Happiness.

Strategies to enhancing life's values, and heightening our decision-making prowess.

Meaning .. Purpose .. Direction .. Significance .. Lasting Happiness

Meaning and Motivation .. Purpose and Purity .. Direction and Discernment .. Truthfulness and Integrity .. Vulnerability and Transparency .. Humility and Honesty .. Silence and Significance .. Joyfulness and Happiness

These are the heritage of humanity.

Learnings for a Lifetime

Learn and grow within our learning opportunities at Sovrnty on the worldwide digital campus of Salvington 

Online from anywhere in the world, wherever you are in your life's journey.

Salvington Campus and Sovrnty 

Join a global network of learners. Explore our map to see how many people across the world are a part of the Salvington and Sovrnty activities.

Sovrnty Strategies 

Sovrnty empowers you to learn with our Salvington new faith culture from almost anywhere in the world. 

Extending the Salvington experience far beyond our private campus, we offer at Sovrnty a rich variety of non-residential educational opportunities tailored to learners of different ages, regions, and backgrounds, giving you access to our Salvington educational curriculum experience at almost every stage in your life.

Our offerings range from individual recorded lectures, podcasts, and conferences to interactive online classes on our digital distance learning campus, to graduate and professional levels of gaining wisdom and experience in the safety of our collegial culture, to become more fully engaged in the accelerated learning atmosphere of Salvington, graduate quality educational opportunities to advance your personal growth and professional advancement and development, allowing you to meet your personal dreams, professional hopes, and those lifetime visions which you hold most dear, and at the level of commitment and academic rigor that’s right for you.

Every Sovrnty offering is created as a world class educational fellowship, a partnership with Salvington digital learning. Our activities foster greater understanding and broaden faith, hope, and charity drivers within individuals.  

Sovrnty stimulates new and inspiring  insights and revelatory perspectives within the greater Salvington campus  community.

Experience the unfoldment of your own potentials of wisdom in gaining a greater comprehension of the knowledge of things; the realization of meanings; the appreciation of values and virtues ; the nobility of work--duty; the motivation of goals of morality; the love of service--character; and the deeper fulfillments of cosmic insight and spiritual discernment.

Ye that findeth thine life shall lose it .. and ye that loseth thine life shall certainly find it.

S O V E R E I G N T Y  O N E  


S O V E R E I G N T Y  T W O 


S O V E R E I G N T Y  T H R E E



On the Worldwide Campus of University of Salvington

From your Home, A Digital Online Learning Environment.

Turn fear into power and love .. darkness into light and understanding knowledge .. uncertainty into certainty .. 








Safety sertainty security stability serenity sovereignty salvation


Our philosophy is simple. First, we provide you with the greatest education anywhere: real-world expertise, best-of-the-best strategies, providing step-by-step proven approaches and tools you can apply immediately to transform the quality of your life.


Information is one thing. Inspiration, the joy of living at your best, discovering your inner pride, strength and courage? That’s something entirely different. These emotions will drive you to apply what you learn, to create lasting results – delivering that experience.


Salvington lectures, seminars,  and programs empower you to follow through on what you learn and create unstoppable momentum. You will not simply learn; you will do. You will live, breathe, and apply tools and strategies until they become part of your identity

Global Village of the World Server
A City Of Christ Michael Sponsored Activity

Sovereignty I : The Awakening Mind of Sovereignty 

The Vestments of the Awakening Mind and Will; the Urges and Impulses for Advancement into Soul Receptivity

Sovereignty II : The Empowering Spiritual Heart

The Values of God Remembrance and the Virtues of God Revelation

Sovereignty III : The Sovereign Soul of Ascendancy

The Vision of Sovereignty, the Verities of Soul Ascendancy, and the Volitions of Mastery

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 

Not transferable to another or not capable of being taken away or denied; inalienable or unalienable rights.

Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

The preamble sought to inspire and unite them through the vision of a better life.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Preamble to the United States Constitution
The Constitution united its citizens as members of a whole, vesting the power of the union in the people.

supreme power or authority.
"how can we hope to wrest sovereignty away from the oligarchy and back to the people?"
Synonyms: jurisdiction, rule, supremacy, dominion, power, ascendancy, suzerainty, hegemony, domination, authority, control, influence
"their sovereignty over the islands"
the authority of a state to govern itself or another state.
"national sovereignty"
Synonyms: autonomy, independence, self-government, self-rule, home rule, self-determination, freedom
"the colony demanded full sovereignty"
a self-governing state.
plural noun: sovereignties

Sovereignty I : The Awakening Mind of Sovereignty 

Truth brings forth Objectivity. Truth makes the unknown to be known. Truthfulness is the great unerring lubricant allowing a permanence of freedom to enter the world of the individual personality. 

Truth allows certainty to emerge in the life of the individual. And this said certainty of Truth establishes security. It paves the way for stability and an absoluteness flourishes in the life of the person, so much so that all things become ordered and harmonious. Truth develops righteousness of purpose and rectitude of character. 

Truth fosters this empowering moral certitude in character and consciousness. It nourishes joyfulness, and an unconditional happiness matures and develops for the individual, so much so that, the individual personality becomes a sovereign creature living beyond the reach of mere mortal thought and emotion. 

Truth elevates and illuminates the way of this sovereignty of mind and heart and even body physical. Truth propels the individual into a kind of mastery over all energies and vibratory influences. All activities are known then to be the effects, as Truth is Cause, and the individual who dares to raise themselves into Truthful living discovers themselves to be a Creative Cause upon which all circumstances in their environment are recognized to be their effects. 

Truth reorchestrates the mortal life, and it reorders the effectual life of the individual into this absoluteness of being the Creative Cause of everything in their world. The individual in their consciousness becomes Cause unto their own Life; and this is their salvation and empowerment. 

Truth hails from regions well beyond time and space, and as such, it can lead the personality into groves of splendour and glory; for Truth is of the Fountainhead of the Source of all Thought and the Cause of Cause of every Life. 

Truth acquaints the individual personality with that which is the reliable, the sturdy, the everlasting, and the incorruptible One.

...and in just this simplicity of understanding .. this untainted knowledge .. will the individual mortal personality find itself raised into right relationship to everything and everyone .. and in this right relationship and rightful place in life .. joyfulness abounds and happiness flourishes for the individual as each one becomes the Self-Directive Governing Agent for their own life and world.

Michael Sananda Esu

Sovereignty I:

The Vestments of the Awakening Sovereign Mind

Vestments are the garments placed upon the mind to develop its capacities to function in the way mind was intended to function - to create joyful happiness and freedom in all ways possible, to use mind and its thoughts to master all vibratory influences in us in order to establish vibrational sovereignty which is wholeness and happiness in all ways that are possible.

The vestments of mind allow for greater use of our mind and creative free will powers to choose a greater life and expression by cooperation with the great laws of creative manifestation. 

The vestments are the powers of mind so obvious that they are hidden from the unwary and the assuming individual. 

The vestments of mind are not telling you what to think but only increasing the functional capacities of mind to create joy and happiness, creativity and significance, purpose and meaning.

Building up and developing these vestments of mind help us to better understand the inner workings of mind and its creative capacity to clothe our life with qualities of vibration. To increase our capabilities to maximize the opportunities in life that are right in front of us.

The vestments help us to understand our life experiences and to illuminate the workings of mind, it's original design and intent in creating a greater life for ourselves. 

The vestments of mind help to explain the pre-development of mind and these vestments are the ancestor and the predecessor of free will which gives us the right, power, ability, and opportunities to understand our experience and our relationship with all others.

The vestments of mind help us build certainty, confidence, and security in life. Worthiness develops. Confidence is grown as our mind choices and mind decisions allow us to select our values for life and those virtues of mind which we value most.

The vestments of mind return to the individual personality it's original free will choice beyond the conditions and confusions and chaos which surround the average individual. With free will choice every personality mind gains the true capacity and empowering capability to cooperate with order, harmony, love and joyfulness in personal relationships of every sort, in family matters, at work, and in ourselves. 

Here are the Seven Vestments of the Personality Mind -

1. The vestment mind of intuition and its origins in survival — quick perception, the primitive physical and inherent reflex instincts, the directional and other self-preservative psychological endowments of all mind creations; the only vestment of mind developing further the mechanical and material centered mind beyond its animal origins.

2. The vestment mind of understanding and the impetus to expand mind and will — the impulse of coordination to learn by association of new concepts and unfamiliar new ideas, the spontaneous and apparently automatic association of ideas. This is the gift of the coordination of acquired knowledge, the phenomenon of quick reasoning, rapid judgment, and prompt decision. Concentration and coordination of mind to maximize all opportunities in life by understanding the maxim that all outer expressions are the effects of inner vibratory impressions.

3. The vestment mind of courage and the strengths to become constructive — the fidelity vestments and endowment — in personal beings, the basis of character acquirement and the intellectual root of moral stamina and spiritual bravery. When enlightened by facts and inspired by truth, this vestment of mind becomes the secret of the urge of evolutionary progression by the channels of intelligent and conscientious self-direction. Consideration and courage of mind to constructively confront all obstructions to loving freedom. The willingness to capture all our creation and return it to harmony.

4. The vestment mind of knowledge and the path of certainty, security, and stability — the curiosity-mother of adventure and discovery, the scientific spirit; the guide and faithful associate of the vestments of courage and counsel; the urge to direct the vestment endowment of courage into useful and progressive paths of growth. Collaboration and consistency of mind, of the certainty of mind to expand objectivity of experience. The certainty of harnessing the knowledge of creation.

5. The vestment mind of counsel and the will to persevere into freedom — the social urge, the vestment and its endowment of cooperation; the ability of free will personality to harmonize with their fellows; the origin of the gregarious instinct to harmonize and blend with others. To collaborate and open to counsel taking accounting of all causes of impressions and effects of expression.

6. The vestment mind of worship and the adorational urge to reach higher and wider — the absolute impulse for certainty, for making the unknown more known, the first differential urge separating mind creatures into the two basic classes of mortal existence. The vestment of worshipful adoration forever distinguishes the animal mind and its instinctual mechanical and material urges for soul mind which seeks certainty and objectivity. This vestment of mind gives us the inclination and urge for higher association with the qualities of Joy, Happiness, Truthfulness, and Humility to open and consider. Consideration mind and collaboration mind awaken true acknowledgement.

7. The vestment mind of wisdom and the urge for progressive order and harmony — the inherent tendency of all moral creatures towards orderly and progressive evolutionary advancement. This is the highest of the vestments, the coordinator and articulator of the work of all the others. This vestment is the secret of that inborn urge of mind creatures which initiates and maintains the practical and effectively empowering development of the advancement of evolutionary progress. It is the vestment of mind supporting the merit-based ascending advancements of existence; that gift of all living things which allows for our inexplicable ability to survive and, in survival, to utilize the coordination of all our past experience and present opportunities for the acquisition of all of everything that all of the other six mental vestments can mobilize and make use of discovering the underlying order and meaning, purpose and significance of our life experiences.The vestment mind of wisdom is the pinnacle or highest point of all the mind’s intellectual attainments and performance. Development of this vestment mind is the ultimate goal of a purely mental and moral existence. Yet, when combined with the other six mind developments it allows for joyful transcendence to emerge and happiness to become more greatly established in us.

The educational experience of the Sovereignty Retreat of Salvington returns to the individual personality it's original free will choice beyond the conditions and confusions and chaos which surround the average individual. With free will choice every personality mind gains the true capacity and empowering capability to cooperate with order, harmony, love and joyfulness in personal relationships of every sort, in family matters, at work, and in ourselves.

Further Text Sources

  1. Hermes Trismegestus The Emerald Tablet

  2. Charles Haanel Master Key


Planetary Initiatives and Global Mission

progressing epochs of planetary progress towards the culminating  inauguration of the era of light and life

all phases of intellectual progress, soul emergence, and spiritual attainment

the progress of civilization and world affairs in presenting enlarged concepts of Deity and Divinity

the advancement of truth in our endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception

the unfoldment of the individual mortal evolution and soul-spirit attainment

planetary development along physical, intellectual, and social lines, all evolutionary spheres progress in certain well-defined directions

the planetary schools of training and culture are a world center of culture and achievement, and there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races

establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools

plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement to uphold the planetary concepts of truth and righteousness

knowledge of the Father’s rule and preserving for the world races the concept of the successive planetary dispensations of the various orders of divine Sons

design to foster the development of planetary civilization by enlarging those conceivings of things, meanings, and values of universal reality.

fostering the development of the planetary civilization and its global spiritual culture

designing the way of planetary progress towards the ascendancy of light and life

nurturing the planetary impulse and guiding the cultural advancement for the ages

preparing the individual personality mind, will, and soul for cosmic consciousness, spiritual insight, divine perception, and the attainment integration of universal citizenship

promoting the spiritual evolutionary attainment of every people in the planetary human culture, arts, and
world civilization

to induce the world culture and planetary civilization to make certain initial advances in culture and civilization first

training and inspiring student world servers as teachers and leaders of their respective peoples

Salvington University

absolutum charitas ab origine

Infinite Light

lux infiniti

Absolute Love of Source

absolutum charitas ab origine

Eternal Life

vitae aeterna

absolutum charitas ab origine


spiritus invictus

Salvington School of the Planetary Prince

lux infiniti

absolutum charitas ab origine

vitae aeterna

First Contact with Michael Of Nebadon 

City Of Michael 

Holy Comforter Cities

At Home Communion with the Spirit Of Truth 

Michael Of Nebadon Revelatory Trust 

Revelatory Commission 

Celestial Revelators

Contact Commission 

Global Village of the Spirit of Truth 

Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives 

Michael Of Nebadon Revelatory Apostolic Corps

University Of Salvington 

Salvington University 

Wisdom Colleges of Revelation, Illumination, and Ascendancy 

University of Salvington Development Office

Salvington University Development Trust

Salvington University Cascadia Collaboration Campaign

Salvington Investments Office

Salvington Endowment Fund

Michael Of Nebadon Foundation

absolutum charitas ab origine

Planetary Fellowship

Digital Campus 

Worldwide Communities & Groups

Wisdom Colleges 

Ascendancy Retreats 

Halls of Illumination

Educational New Faith Societies

Spirit Retreats 

Transformational Conclaves

Campus Amphitheatrum
Private and Public Conferences

University Lectures


Collegial Supportive Classrooms

Schools of Trinitarian Ordination


Planetary Initiatives and Global Mission

progressing epochs of planetary progress towards the culminating  inauguration of the era of light and life

all phases of intellectual progress, soul emergence, and spiritual attainment

the progress of civilization and world affairs

the unfoldment of the individual mortal evolution and soul-spirit attainment

planetary development along physical, intellectual, and social lines, all evolutionary spheres progress in certain well-defined directions

the planetary schools of training and culture are a world center of culture and achievement, and there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races

establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools

plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement to uphold the planetary concepts of truth and righteousness

knowledge of the Father’s rule and preserving for the world races the concept of the successive planetary dispensations of the various orders of divine Sons

design to foster the development of planetary civilization

fostering the development of the planetary civilization and its global spiritual culture

designing the way of planetary progress towards the ascendancy of light and life

nurturing the planetary impulse and guiding the cultural advancement for the ages

preparing the individual personality mind, will, and soul for cosmic consciousness, spiritual insight, divine perception, and the attainment integration of universal citizenship

promoting the spiritual evolutionary attainment of every people in the planetary human culture, arts, and
world civilization

to induce the world culture and planetary civilization to make certain initial advances in culture and civilization first

training and inspiring student world servers as teachers and leaders of their respective peoples

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Cosmic Illumination Cometh

God-consciousness, as it is experienced by an evolving mortal of the realms, must consist of three varying factors, three differential levels of reality realization. 

There is first the mind consciousness — the comprehension of the idea of God. 

Then follows the soul consciousness — the realization of the ideal of God. 

Last, dawns the spirit consciousness — the realization of the spirit reality of God. 

By the unification of these factors of the divine realization, no matter how incomplete, the mortal personality at all times overspreads all conscious levels with a realization of the personality of God. 

In those mortals who have attained the Corps of the Finality all this will in time lead to the realization of the supremacy of God and may subsequently eventuate in the realization of the ultimacy of God, some phase of the absonite superconsciousness of the Paradise Father.

The experience of God-consciousness remains the same from generation to generation, but with each advancing epoch in human knowledge the philosophic concept and the theologic definitions of God must change. God-knowingness, religious consciousness, is a universe reality, but no matter how valid (real) religious experience is, it must be willing to subject itself to intelligent criticism and reasonable philosophic interpretation; it must not seek to be a thing apart in the totality of human experience.

Michael Of Nebadon

21st Century Gospel Revelations

Friday, May 22, 2020

Potentials into Actuality

Portuguese .. English .. Spanish  .. French

Toda interação que temos com outra pessoa muda para sempre os fatos reais e os potenciais do cosmos.  

Você está envolvido em uma vasta socialização ... uma atualização de potenciais brutos na realidade e na atualidade.  

Comece a apreciar o significado de alinhar sua vontade com a vontade do Pai.  

É assim que vocês se tornam um com a Deidade.  

Você deve manter suas identidades individuais, enquanto se funde com uma poderosa vontade criativa que tem uma singularidade divina de propósito eterno .. um absoluto de prioridades .. uma estatura inefável de pureza imaculada indescritível e insondável pela humanidade.

Every interaction we have with another person, forever changes both the actuals and the potentials of the cosmos.  

You are involved in a vast socialization .. an actualization of raw potentials into reality and actuality.  

Begin to appreciate the significance of aligning your will with the will of the Father.  

This is how you each become one with Deity.  

You shall maintain your individual identities, while merging with a mighty creative will which has a divine singleness of eternal purpose .. an absoluteness of priorities .. an ineffable stature of immaculate purity indescribable and unfathomable by humankind.

Cada interacción que tenemos con otra persona cambia para siempre tanto los actuales como los potenciales del cosmos.  

Estás involucrado en una vasta socialización ... una actualización de potenciales en bruto en realidad y actualidad.  

Comience a apreciar la importancia de alinear su voluntad con la voluntad del Padre.  

Así es como cada uno se vuelve uno con la Deidad.  

Mantendrás tus identidades individuales, mientras te fusionas con una poderosa voluntad creativa que tiene una divina singularidad de propósito eterno ... un absoluto de prioridades ... una estatura inefable de pureza inmaculada indescriptible e insondable por la humanidad.

Chaque interaction que nous avons avec une autre personne change à jamais à la fois les réels et les potentiels du cosmos.  

Vous êtes impliqué dans une vaste socialisation .. une actualisation des potentiels bruts en réalité et en réalité.  

Commencez à apprécier l'importance d'aligner votre volonté sur la volonté du Père.  

C'est ainsi que vous devenez un avec la Déité.  

Vous maintiendrez vos identités individuelles, tout en fusionnant avec une puissante volonté créatrice qui a une singularité divine de but éternel .. une absoluité de priorités .. une stature ineffable d'une pureté immaculée indescriptible et insondable par l'humanité.

Michael Of Nebadon 
Michael Sananda Maitreya

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Blessed of the earth journey into light and life ...

Always have I taught intimacy with the immanency of God the Father who hath delivered a small portion of his Life and Glory to you .. to travel with you .. to guide you upon your very next steps and stages of growth and maturing.

In thine relationship with the Father's Life Spirit in you .. I give you eleven holy powers of your free will; that ye shall becometh sovereign and free as a unique individual traversing the evolutionary byways of Eternity upon this your native home.

Prayer is entirely a personal and spontaneous expression of the attitude of the soul toward the spirit; prayer should be the communion of sonship and the expression of fellowship. 

Prayer, when indited by the spirit, leads to co-operative spiritual progress. 

The ideal prayer is a form of spiritual communion which leads to intelligent worship. True praying is the sincere attitude of reaching heavenward for the attainment of your ideals.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Salvington Today

Salvington Today

The latest news from Salvington 

City of Michael

Planetary Fellowship

Digital Thriving Virtual Planetary Campus 

Worldwide Communities & Groups

Wisdom Colleges, Ascendancy Retreats, Halls of Illumination

Educational Societies

Spirit Retreats & Transformational Conclaves

Campus Worldwide Amphitheatrum

Private University Lectures

Public Conferences and University Lectures for the Public

University Collegial Activities

Collegial Supportive Classrooms

University Of Salvington

Planetary Fellowship with Like-minded People

Digital Campus Accessible from Everywhere

Worldwide Communities & Stimulating Groups

Collegiality amongst Sincere Students and Collaboration of Learning Together

At Home Digital Campus Amphitheatrum

Private and Public Bilingual Conferences

University Quality Lectures with Translation into Spanish and French


Supportive Online Classrooms and Activities

Schools of Trinitarian Ordination and Service

Salvington Events and Activities

What's happening on campus

Salvington University Lecture Series

Global Village of the Spirit of Truth on Campus

The Sovrnty Society Readings

Academics of Advancement

Preparing students to make meaningful contributions to society as engaged citizens and leaders in a complex world. Conceived as a coherent program of study, which immerses students in reading great books and in lively and unmediated conversation with one another. The comprehensive perspective of the lectures, tutorials, counselings, spontaneous studies, partnership fellows, and small seminar style discussion classes is impulses, balanced, and supported by the more penetratingly detailed consciousness work and awareness activities with  the guidance of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael.

Salvington Academics 

At Salvington University, students are members of an enriching community where profound learning occurs, bold living is upheld, collegiality of heart is fostered, and ascendancy grows in leaps and bounds. Unlimited and thriving opportunities flourish for personal growth and inner spiritual development on our worldwide virtual campus accessible from your home.  Tutors and counselors are present 24/7 to discuss coursework, address concerns or doubts, share good practices, support you in your preceptual applications, and uplift you to achieve your God-focused dreams and aspirations. 

You'll be learning the most relevant skills and you will have manifold opportunities to unleash your Life,  unfurl your powers of expression, and enhance the subtleties of your spiritual and religious quest to find the Existential God, to understand his Will, to emulate and become his nature and benevolence of character. 

Our offerings for Intimate educational engagement enable you to learn by doing, master by accelerating, while advancing in your adventures to become more godlike in your soul developing capacities and closeness with Infinity.

Real religious foundations are a gradual progression towards greater truth, understanding, love, and forgiveness. Spirituality is uniquely individualized and personal. A genuine redemptive attitude emerges, an appreciation for yourself unconditionally comes to the forefront of your personal life. It is the fulfilling experiences of an educational growth that is indicated by its enhancement of visionary ideals, increased appreciation of values and personal refinement, new meanings of values and virtuous living, and augmented loyalty to supreme values, virtues, vision, verities, and the volitions of heartfelt accomplishments.

Michael of Nebadon Revelatory Trust holds the core curriculum for the evolutions of the planet .. and for Salvington.

Planetary education is the business of living; it must continue throughout a lifetime so that humankind may gradually experience the ascending levels of mortal wisdom, which are:

    1. The knowledge of things.

    2. The realization of meanings.

    3. The appreciation of values.

    4. The nobility of work--duty.

    5. The motivation of goals--morality.

    6. The love of service--character.

    7. Cosmic insight--spiritual discernment.

And then, by means of these achievements, many will ascend to the mortal ultimate of mind attainment, God-consciousness. 

Three Primary Conceptual Divisions of the Salvington Curriculum may be placed into one of three categories derived from this understanding. 

These core categories are:

    1. The Kingdom of Heaven

    2. The Religion of  Michael

    3. Who is Michael?

In this category we study the following topics (listed in sequence of study and increasing complexity):

Coursework Studies Concentrations Classes Tutorials Cooperations Activities Collaborations Lectures Cohesions Partnerships  Services Fellowships Communion Sharings Guidance Collegiality 

Undergraduate Education

Graduate Education

Eleven Colleges in which to pursue your passions for Truth and Actualization

Research and Religious Revelation

A culture of collaboration and collegiality that drives innovative discoveries vital to our world, our health and our intellectual life

Michael Of Nebadon Revelatory Trust 

Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives 

Sovrnty Foundation

Campus Life and Student Affairs

A thriving community of creative and accomplished people from around the world

Student Life and Student Affairs: Growth, Creation, Contribution

Salvington Arts and Culture

Contributing to Civilization


An extraordinary freedom of opportunity—to explore, to collaborate and to challenge yourself in achieving personal religious relationship

1 The enduring state is founded on culture, dominated by ideals, and motivated by service. The purpose of education should be acquirement of skill, pursuit of wisdom, realization of selfhood, and attainment of spiritual values.

2 In the ideal state, education continues throughout life, and philosophy sometime becomes the chief pursuit of its citizens. The citizens of such a commonwealth pursue wisdom as an enhancement of insight into the significance of human relations, the meanings of reality, the nobility of values, the goals of living, and the glories of cosmic destiny.

3 Students should get a vision of a new and higher cultural society. Education will jump to new levels of value with the passing of the purely profit-motivated system of economics. Education has too long been localistic, militaristic, ego exalting, and success seeking; it must eventually become world-wide, idealistic, self-realizing, and cosmic grasping.

4 Education recently passed from the control of the clergy to that of lawyers and businessmen. Eventually it must be given over to the philosophers and the scientists. Teachers must be free beings, real leaders, to the end that philosophy, the search for wisdom, may become the chief educational pursuit.

5 Education is the business of living; it must continue throughout a lifetime so that mankind may gradually experience the ascending levels of mortal wisdom, which are:

1. The knowledge of things.

2. The realization of meanings.

3. The appreciation of values.

4. The nobility of work — duty.

5. The motivation of goals — morality.

6. The love of service — character.

7. Cosmic insight — spiritual discernment.

And then, by means of these achievements, many will ascend to the mortal ultimate of mind attainment, God-consciousness.

About Salvington

The Planetary Schools of Training and Culture are a world center of culture and achievement, and there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools.

A World Center of the Evolutionary Culture for the Planetary Civilization, Nurturing Individual Spiritual Attainment,  the Achievement of Cosmic Meanings and Purpose, and the Awakening to the Trinitarian Values in the Progressive Ascent of all Life

A place for learning, discovery, innovation, expression and discourse. Our Mission is centralized in the advancement of learning by teaching and research and its dissemination by every means.

Our Vision is strengthened as we will work together as one Salvington bringing together our staff, students and alumni, our colleges, faculties, departments and divisions to provide world-class research and education. 

We will do this in ways which benefit society on a local, regional, national and global scale. We will build on the University’s long-standing traditions of independent scholarship and academic freedom while fostering a culture in which innovation and collaboration play an important role.

We are committed to equality of opportunity, to engendering inclusivity, and to supporting staff and student wellbeing, ensuring that the very best students and staff can flourish in our community. We believe that a diverse staff and student body strengthens our research and enhances our students’ learning.

The University’s distinctive democratic structure, born of its history, will continue to offer a source of strength. Likewise Salvington’s cooperative collegiate structure provides the University and it's Colleges with key aspects of its academic strength and its highly attractive student experience. Salvington will continue to foster the interdisciplinary nature and focus of the colleges, their teaching strength, and their defining and enduring sense of collegial community.

University Of Salvington

Eleven Colleges

Giving to Salvington

Mission. The advancement of learning by teaching and research and its dissemination by every means.

Vision. We will work as one Oxford bringing together our staff, students and alumni, our colleges, faculties, departments and divisions to provide world-class research and education. We will do this in ways which benefit society on a local, regional, national and global scale. We will build on the University’s long-standing traditions of independent scholarship and academic freedom while fostering a culture in which innovation and collaboration play an important role.

We are committed to equality of opportunity, to engendering inclusivity, and to supporting staff and student wellbeing, ensuring that the very best students and staff can flourish in our community. We believe that a diverse staff and student body strengthens our research and enhances our students’ learning.

The University’s distinctive democratic structure, born of its history, will continue to offer a source of strength. Likewise Salvington’s collegiate structure provides the University with key aspects of its academic strength and its highly attractive student experience. Salvington will continue to foster the interdisciplinary nature of the colleges, their teaching strength, and their defining and enduring sense of community and collegiate scholarship and actualization.

University of Salvington Development Office

Salvington University Development Trust

The Salvington Fund

Seven reasons to support Salvington

Salvington Cascadia Campaign

Tuition covers only about half of the real cost of undergraduate education.

Even those who pay "full price" have benefited from the generosity of alumni, parents, and friends.

Nearly half of all Salvington undergraduates depend on need-based aid from the university.


Salvington is one of the few universities that meet 100 percent of every family's demonstrated need.

Salvington's endowment covers only about 22 percent of the university's budget.

Salvington's endowment is growth oriented but is best measured against Salvington's mission. The university must fund more than three-quarters of its operating expenses from other sources. The amount of endowment spent each year (about 5 percent) is carefully calibrated to enable these funds to support their purposes in perpetuity.

Most gifts are restricted.


The majority of gifts to Salvington, and almost 80 percent of endowment funds, are directed toward particular schools, departments, or programs. Annual, expendable gifts provide vital flexibility.

Federal funding has declined. Federal support for university research is significant, but it's been declining for years in real dollars. The current budget environment makes such funding even more precarious.

Salvington's mission is global. Salvington is one of the few institutions in the world with the depth and breadth to help address complex, global problems. Big ideas can be expensive. Making a difference is worth it.

Every gift makes a difference! Most gifts made to Salvington are under $1,000. But together they add up to millions for financial aid, academics, research, and other programs.

Salvington Trustees