Friday, June 9, 2023

My Second Advent and Bestowal Mission

Salvington University

absolutum charitas ab origine

Progressive ascendancy .. virtual school and campus .. purpose .. meaning and understanding of life circumstances .. how to live correctly bringing happiness and harmony .. significance .. stability .. connection .. safety .. order .. security .. sovereignty .. no more coincidence, accident, victimhood, and chaos .. all solutions are within relationship with god in you .. learn to identify the life of god in me to have more relationship with him .. the eternity strategies of approach to know god .. how i can learn to have a personal relationship with god .. 

I am come to raise My universe children unto dignity, integrity, and unifying joy . . . 

I beckon thee upon thine purely motivating heart to practice daily .. hourly .. the Way of God Authority, the Truth of Creative Personality Authorship, and the Life of Progressive Universal Association with Me.

Only as you practice the Way .. the Truth .. and the Life .. and are wholeheartedly willing to see and hear and feel and know truth .. then shall all blindness, deafness, and dumbness of speech, and all darkness shall be removed. 

Ever shall your discernment blossom, so that ye knoweth right from wrong, good from evil, truthfulness from falsehoods and deception.

This is the Law of the Great Adonai of Existence . . . 

Abide within this Law of Paradise by your personality character obedience, discipline, humility, and the  unconditional willingness to adhere to God's Ideas .. to maketh his Ideas your Living Ideal by your good moral choices and spirit-led decisions .. and then, shall you earn your right to enter his Reality of Experience.

I sayeth unto thee .. the Eternal Son is the eternal Word of God. The Eternal Son is the perfect expression of the “first” absolute and infinite thought of his eternal Father. 

When a personal duplication or divine extension of this Original Son starts on a bestowal mission of mortal incarnation, it becomes literally true that the divine “Word is made flesh,” and that the Word thus dwells among the lowly beings of animal origin.

The bestowals of the Avonal and the Michael Sons are a necessary part of the experiential process designed to make these Sons safe and sympathetic magistrates and rulers of the peoples and planets of time and space. 

The career of sevenfold bestowal is the supreme goal of all Paradise Creator Sons. 

And all Magisterial Sons are motivated by this same spirit of service which so abundantly characterizes the primary Creator Sons and the Eternal Son of Paradise.

Some order of Paradise Son must be bestowed upon each mortal-inhabited world in order to make it possible for Thought Adjusters to indwell the minds of all normal human beings on that sphere, for the Adjusters do not come to all bona fide human beings until the Spirit of Truth has been poured out upon all flesh; and the sending of the Spirit of Truth is dependent upon the return to universe headquarters of a Paradise Son who has successfully entered the bestowal mission.

Michael Of Nebadon

The Planetary Urantia

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Rejoice .. Revere .. Receive

Rejoice .. Revere .. Receive...

Receive thou My children of the Planetary home .. receive .. rejoice .. give thine recognition and respect to the One Adonai of Existence .. awaken thine reverence and responsibilities as a child of Eternity.

My living gospel is a Triune Preceptual Instruction for humanity centered around three phases of the developing new personality status of the soul vesture from out of thine mortal and planetary origins. 

1. The Way of the Bestowed Pure God Authority with the attitudinal laws of the Paradise Adjuster - acknowledgment, attention, awareness, appreciation, affectionate adoration, admission of asking, acceptance, allowance, alignment, atonement. 

2. The Truth of the Endowed Personality Creative Authorship of Sovereign Inalienable Rights of Existence, Seven Faculties of Expression, Eleven Holy Faith Powers of Experience. 

3. The Life of the Gifted Progressive Ascendancy of Evolutionary Mind Attainment of the Vestments, Personality Achievement of Character, Soul Advancement, and Multidimensional Personhood Ascendancy. 

My 1st century and this 21st century bestowal ministry of teaching and healing fulfills the edict from the Trinitarian Majesty. It restores the spiritual status of the spheres of the planet.

It rehabilitates that which misguided creature will has placed in spiritual jeopardy.

And when my spirit comes by your reception invitation to me to indwell you, he will illuminate the difference between sin and righteousness and will enable you to judge wisely in your hearts concerning them.

Practice, practice, practice and you shall discover joyful empowerment and freedom. And that is merely the beginning of your ascent into fuller Light…

Hence I say .. hold thine focused attention and concentration upon the Christos above and within you. The Christos is this Higher Mind Selfhood, Multidimensional and of a Luminosity beyond words to describe.

Your attention and awareness .. the application of the ten attitudes of mindfulness attention in amplifying the authority of the One God .. creates a Living Bridge that allows the Presence I AM along with the Planetary Administration Host to pour out Our Divine Radiation to you .. to heal permanently any disharmonious vibrations forever...

At first you believe that you are sons and daughters of God because my teaching has made you more conscious of the inner leadings of our Father’s indwelling presence; but presently the Spirit of Truth shall be poured out upon all flesh, and it will live among all women and men and teach all, even as I now live among you and speak to you the words of truth. 

And this Spirit of Truth, speaking for the spiritual endowments of your souls, will help you to know that you are the sons and daughters of God. It will unfailingly bear witness with the Father’s indwelling presence, your spirit, then dwelling in all humankind as it now dwells in some, telling you that you are in reality the daughters and sons of God.

The Creator Sons of the Order of Michael are endowed with a spirit of universe presence in many ways analogous to that of the Seven Master Spirits of Paradise. This is the Spirit of Truth which is poured out upon a world by a bestowal Son after he receives spiritual title to such a sphere. This bestowed Comforter is the spiritual force which ever draws all truth seekers towards Him who is the personification of truth in the local universe. 

This spirit is an inherent endowment of the Creator Son, emerging from his divine nature just as the master circuits of the grand universe are derived from the personality presences of the Paradise Deities.

Though the Spirit of Truth is poured out upon all flesh, this spirit of the Son is almost wholly limited in function and power by man’s personal reception of that which constitutes the sum and substance of the mission of the bestowal Son. 

The Holy Spirit is partly independent of human attitude and partially conditioned by the decisions and co-operation of the will of man. 

Nevertheless, the ministry of the Holy Spirit becomes increasingly effective in the sanctification and spiritualization of the inner life of those mortals who the more fully obey the divine leadings.

By the old way you seek to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of living; by the new way you are first transformed by the Spirit of Truth and thereby strengthened in your inner soul by the constant spiritual renewing of your mind, and so are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God. 

Forget not—it is your personal faith in the exceedingly great and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of the divine nature. Thus by your faith and the spirit’s transformation, you become in reality the temples of God, and his spirit actually dwells within you. If, then, the spirit dwells within you, you are no longer bondslaves of the flesh but free and liberated sons of the spirit. 

The new law of the spirit endows you with the liberty of self-mastery in place of the old law of the fear of self-bondage and the slavery of self-denial.’

Sure guidance of the Spirit of Truth...
Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, ‘This is the way.’

Michael of Nebadon
The Planetary Adonai